Anniversary Ring

Anniversary Ring

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Outta the dumps...

Ok, so the last time I posted, I know I sounded down. But no more!! The drugs have finally kicked in....kidding! Seriously, I started really working out, not just imagining it in my head, and I feel much better.
It also may have something to do with the fact that I have some great friends, yep Robyn and Bren, that would be you!
As I may have mentioned, I am going on a couple of trips this coming year. I am so stoked about them. I need, deserve, want, and dream about these trips!lol. The dates for each, can't come too soon.

Recently I was contacted by someone in my high school class about our 20 year reunion. As I have said before "YIKES!!!!" Anyway, I went onto the website "" and registered. I then started being nosy and looked up all of my classmates that have registered, to see what and who they have done in the past 20 years. To my delight, one of my friends that I have known since I was 7, was listed. Julie and I at one time were very close friends. Then, like a lot of people, we grew apart, and finally after graduation, we each went our seperate ways.
So.....I emailed her to say "hi, and you probably don't remember me, but my name is..". I had read in her bio that she lives in Virginia Beach, and hey! what a coincidence! that is where one of my "me time vacations" is going to be. I mentioned to her in my email, that I would be in the VB area in Aug of this year. I then went on to explain that I was meeting a bunch of friends, about Suz's website and how we decided that since we wouldn't be able to do Coronado this year, VB would be our Op site.
To my suprise and delight, Julie emailed me back. She told me that she loves living in VB, that she is married to an officer in the Navy (imagine that???) he was just promoted to the rank of Commander, and that he was the Combat Systems Officer on the USS Enterprise. She then said that she wanted to get together for lunch, and to bring my friends, and she would set it up for the Officers Club.. afterwards she said that she would give us a tour of whatever base that we wanted to see.........and yes.....Little Creek was mentioned!!!lol.
I am sincerely looking forward to my class reunion. And I am gonna be honest...I can't wait to see who has gained weight, lost weight, married, divorced, cheated, gone bald and had a sex change.......
I will admit to being shallow. I want to look so damn good that they will not know what to say..
I also have promised myself that I am gonna buy the sexiest dress that I can fit my ass in for this along with a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret.......
I have until Oct......stay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEEELLLOOO, nuttin' wrong with you NOW!!!! BUT about that trip to Vickie's....want some company?

And PS: you're welcome:)