Anniversary Ring

Anniversary Ring

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Gotta Go Make the Dollars.....

So, I haven't been able to post since last weekend. This past week has been very hectic. My classes are extra hard with a side of a lotta homework, my kids were outta school for "mid-winter break" (like they really needed that..yeesh! What about a break for the parents?????sigh), I had a funeral to sing in,(which, I have to say, was one of the hardest things I have ever done) trying to keep up with what is going on with Tweet, catching American Idol this season(yeah, I have become an *Idol* worshipper!) and dh FINALLY got his separation date from FMC, so when I haven't been doing the other million and one things on my list, I have been sending his resume out like a woman possessed....sigh.

I talked to Tango tonite, and laughed like a loon. I sware, between her, Tweet, and the Cmdr, we are gonna have us a mighty fine time in VB!

Anyway, I mentioned to her about the above subjects, culminating with talking about dh's soon to be *jobless* state. Gotta admit, it is a little scary.

His last day is March 30. We have dithered about whether he should take it or stay and take his chances. To be honest, with the way the Company is going, I am not sure that staying would be the smartest move. I can't even begin to describe the sense of doom and gloom that seems to pervade the State of Michigan at the present time. Businesses are laying off employees or, in some cases, just shutting the doors.

People are leaving the state to find jobs. The housing market is bad here. In some cases, people are just letting their houses go back to the bank, if they are lucky the mtg companies are accepting deeds in lieu of foreclosure, however that has not happened often. Then the Detroit News reported that the Gov. is planning on closing State run prisons and roughly 1500 inmates are going to be *released* back into society. A society that is increasingly becoming depressed...not a good outlook.

So, I have been sending resumes out. I have targeted mostly western, southwestern and southeastern states. My reasoning is this: If I have to move, I am NOT, I repeat, NOT moving to a state that is as cold in the winter, or colder than Michigan is. I am seeking warmer weather for my inner beach bunny.

We have gotten a couple of responses, much to dh's amazement. He looked at me that other day and said "you are gonna have me starting a new job *before* I have left the old one!" Yep.....Gotta Go Make the I also told him that there will be plenty of time for him to relax....say in about 20 years.....what can I say...I am a determined


Janet Webb said...

You go girl! And same goes for the dh :) I wish you both every luck in the world -- the gal I hike with every day is in the medical field and it sounds like those skills are both lucrative and in demand and also transferable.

Fingers crossed gf!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move.

Rumour floating around is that GM is purchasing Chrysler... haven't heard anymore about it lately but it was on the news twice this week.

My Mom is retired from GM.

Good luck. Just remember farther south has tornados.....


V-Medic said...

Yeah, how scary is that Sheri??? Between FMC recinding some buy out offers that they were giving white collar employees and Chrsyler going on the auction block, things in Motown are weird...V

Lemon Stand said...

Keeping fingers crossed and prayers that you will find a place that you will all like.... You, the husband and your inner beach bunny! :o)