Anniversary Ring

Anniversary Ring

Saturday, February 10, 2007

You never call......and then you do.....

I received some calls in the past two weeks that I just gotta say, drive me CRAZY.
I am all for the "American Dream of Starting Your Own Company", but come on!!!

A couple of weeks ago, the phone rang. When I answered it, the caller was a women that I haven't spoken to in YEARS. Seriously, I haven't spoken to Cindy since she left for the Marine Corp in 1990.

Cindy and her husband now live in Wyoming. When I saw the Wyoming addy on caller ID, I automatically thought "someone is calling dh about his resume"-since we have sent it out that way quit a bit. NOPE.

When I answer, it is Cindy. She is calling, not to chat, (because it has been so long) but to sell me on her new "great opportunity to make loads of money" scheme.
Now, I am not a rude person, much to my dh's dismay, so I let her continue on her spiel, (hey, it's her dime). After about 15 minutes of her telling me what a "great product" this is, and how it has "helped everyone who has tried it", and how she now can afford things that she never could before, I come clean and tell her that "I am sorry, but now is not the best time for me. And to be honest, I really don't think that I would be interested in it." To which she thanks me for being up front, but "just quickly, I want to tell you about my sister, you remember her? The one in the wheelchair, who has never had feeling in her lower extremities? Well after trying product X, she said that she started having feeling in her feet"- to which I made the appropriate "oohhhss and awwwwess", before hanging up.

What ran thru my mind was "Seriously. If this product produces such amazing results, wouldn't you think that it would have made international news????

Anyway, about a week later, my aunt calls me. And, you guessed it, she has a "great career opportunity! That will generate substantial income for you."-great. Once again, I do the polite thing and listen to yet another spiel. I then tell her that "right now, I am not at the right stage in my life to give something like this the time and attention it needs." - Honestly, are people really that gullable? The old saying is : When it sounds to good/or easy to be true, it probably is. Don't people remember these little jewels of wisdom???

I am not saying that there are not great, new opportunities out there, but for every one that is the real deal, there must be at least one thousand that are scams. It continues to amaze me that reasonably well adjusted adults, who I would say are pretty savy in most area, are continually drawn into these "get rich" schemes.
I guess I am just old fashioned. I am gonna continue to do things the old fashioned way. I will get my degree and then go out and make my living doing things the "hard way" ie: a real job.
and the next time the phone rings........dh can answer it....V


Tango said...

Hey V ~ I can appreciate what you're saying. What gets me is the folks you haven't heard from in YEARS. And they call not to catch up with your life, but to let you into their "great opportunity."
*sticking out tongue and giving raspberries*'ve been tagged to take "THE GEEK TEST"!

Anonymous said...

I got that via email except it was a "public service announcement". Blogged it.

Why would I be interested again.

Oh, BTW.. she's po'd cause I wasn't.

