Anniversary Ring

Anniversary Ring

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Go West Young Man........and bring your passport..

So, the other day, dh and I were having coffee, one of the few times that we actually get to see and talk to each other during daylight hours, when the phone rings. You guessed it....another recruiter. Yipee!!

See, I was getting a little nervous. I have been sending out dh's resume like a woman possessed. I have hit pretty much every *warm* state in the Union, with the exception of California. ( I don't think we could ever afford to live there). It has come to the point that I can't remember where I have sent them, and as such, I may have sent them twice to the same companies....oh well.

So, dh and I are sitting at the kitchen table and the phone rings. It is the HR person for a MAJOR oil drilling company. Dh and the HR guy proceed to have a three way telephone interview, resulting in dh's flying out to Yuma, Az this coming Sunday.

During the conversation dh is told that the plant that he would be working at is actually in Mexically. Ok....we were completely blank on the name. Mexically???? WTF?? Turns out that Mexically is actually MEXICO. Right across the boarder from Az. When dh was asked if he speaks Spanish, my Einstein replied.."Nope. But I understand the curse words.".....oh boy. Luckily, the HR person laughed at that.

So, now we are getting dh ready to go to Az. If all goes well, the Company would be willing to hold his position until May 1. Dh will have to get his passport. It will be required in 2008, just like it will be required to go to Canuck Land. What a change from Alaska. Now this is more like it!lol.

Of course now I have visions of snakes, scorpions and spiders.....did I mention that I have a hate/hate relationship with those nasties?! Yeah, they stay far, far, far away from me and I don't have a coronary.

On the plus side, I did a little recon on Yuma. It is fast becoming one of the most popular cities in the southwest. A lot of relocation is taking place. From what I can tell, it is a very cute little city. It is also just 169 miles east of San Diego and Coronado......a fact that I passed on to the

So, this weekend, I will be sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee, watching it snow (again) and dreaming of Az.... my inner beach bunny, Vanessa, is having a margarita and planning on getting a great tan.......

1 comment:

R&R said...

Keeping fingers crossed and happy thoughts...make sure you let me know! And I'm calling foul on you telling the Cmdr she could be your first house promised ME that honour on the phone before those mass emails. See? I'm slowly catching up, lol.

BTW, make sure Vanessa has some sunscreen on. How come my inner beach bunny doesn't get a name? *snicker*